Bp. Ambo David, D.D. delivers the opening remarks before the retreat participants
Fr. Albert 'Paring Bert' Alejo, S.J. synthesizes the participants' reflections on the 2007 elections experience
In response to the call of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) for “lay participation in social change” and, specifically, for a more active engagement in principled partisan politics the Holy Rosary Parish – Ministry on Service - Ad Extra offered a one-day Political Retreat last November 3, 2009. The activity was held at the Ephatha Development Center of the Social Action Center of Pampanga (SACOP). Fr. Albert Alejo, S.J., a popular social anthropologist and staunch good governance advocate served as the Facilitator. Paring Bert, as he prefers to be called, is the Director of Ehem!, a nationwide anti-corruption program and Director of Konsult Mindanao which helps facilitate the on-going peace consultations across Mindanao .
The Political Retreat was attended by lay leaders of the Holy Rosary Parish and representatives from the Archdiocesan Council of the Laity (ACL), the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV-Pampanga), Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of Remedies, Commission on Family and Life, Holy Angel University , Holy Rosary Parish – Social Action Center and various Catholic Charismatic Communities of Pampanga.
The morning session gave the participants an opportunity to look back and reflect on Pampanga’s 2007 experience. Mounting a copy of Luid Ka!, a coffeetable book which chronicles the events leading to the victory of Among Ed Panlilio, a Catholic priest who won through the Kapampangan Crusade for Good Governance on a podium to serve as reference, Paring Bert invited the participants to recall their experiences and tell their own stories about what many regard as a miracle in Pampanga. The book was published by Kapampangan Marangal, Inc. (KMI) in 2008.
In the afternoon, the facilitator shared his insights about politics and culture. The session paved the way for planning on both partisan and non-partisan involvement of church people. Key actors and possible actions were presented as outputs towards the end of the retreat.
“What happened in Pampanga in 2007 brought ripples of hope across the country. People from as far as Mindanao became hopeful of reforms as a result of your example. Always keep that one shining moment in mind,” noted Paring Bert.