Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SEMINAR ON DETECTION OF HEARING & VISUAL IMPAIRMENT HELD By Vangie Nicdao, Project Development & Management Committee

Seminar participants with Bp. Ambo and facilitators, Jean
Cunanan & Tonette Gomez of IMMFI (seated, 2nd and
3rd from the left, respectively)

The Holy Rosary Parish-Social Action Center (HRP-SAC) in partnership with the Inocencio Magtoto Memorial Foundation, Inc. (IMMFI) conducted a seminar on Early Detection of Hearing and Visual Impairment among Young Learners on May 21-22, 2009. 43 teachers from 36 Elementary and Secondary Schools of the Division of Angeles City attended the seminar held at the Bishop’s Conference Roe Rof the Holy Rosary Parish. Resource persons included Ms. Antonita M. Gomez and Ms. Jean W. Cunanan of IMMFI. On the first day, Ms. Gomez discussed
the Hearing Screening Process and the Hearing Examination Process. Ms. Cunanan, on the other
hand, conducted the hands-on demonstration that gave the participants a first-hand experience
on how to detect hearing impairment among their pupils and what to do if such cases are
discovered. The participants took turns in acting as pupils, which made the whole learning process light and enjoyable. On the second day, Ms. Gomez delivered a lecture on visual impairment. Among the topics discussed were: Visual Acuity Test Procedures, The Eye and Its Parts, Types of Visual Impairments as well as Signs and Symptoms of Eye Problems. After the lecture, Ms. Cunanan conducted an actual workshop on detecting visual impairment using the visual acuity chart to check the vision of the pupils. The facilitators emphasized
that it is important for teachers to develop skills in detecting hearing and visual impairment among their pupils because these could impede the learning process of the children. Early detection can also prevent further damage to the hearing and vision of their pupils. The participants resolved to start performing hearing and visual impairment screening among their
pupils this school year. In the event of any confirmed case, appropriate action will be taken including referral to medical specialists if necessary. HRP-SAC has, recently, initiated the organization of a Volunteer Group of Medical Practitioners as part of its Medical and Allied Services. (Please see related article, page 7). Bp. Pablo S. David, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of San Fernando and Parish Priest of the Holy Rosary Parish closed the twoday
session with an inspirational message for the participants and the resource persons.

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